Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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Did you ever consider that giving defines the essential nature of God?  That giving is what God does? That explanation is one way human beings understand the mystery of the divine.  When we give we are most like God and our giving celebrates our image as God’s children. 

In the life of St. Davids-Queenston United Church there are many opportunities to give:  through your weekly offering, through your contributions to the Mission and Outreach, through special offerings, through Tooney Sundays and the Piggy Bank Project, and by working and giving in the community to help others.  Our web site offers the opportunity to give through an on-line donation feature.  We urge you to give as you are able and to support our congregation and its mission in this community and the world.

An on-line donation to St. Davids-Queenston is easy, convenient and safe; and, your tax receipt is issued immediately.


You have the choice of giving to the St. Davids-Queenston OPERATING FUND, CAPITAL BUILDING RENEWAL FUND and/or THE MISSION and SERVICE FUND using a credit card, PayPal or Interac through the St. Davids-Queenston United Church donation page on the web site.


When making your donation, you have a choice of making a one-time donation or a monthly donation.  You may also DESIGNATE PORTIONS of your gift to specific funds and projects by indicating your wishes in the "Message/Instructions for Charity" text box.  You may also make a donation in memory or in honour of someone to the MEMORIAL FUND.  You may also make your ONLINE DONATION ANONYMOUS, if you wish.


CanadaHelps issues an official charitable tax receipt for every donation made online.  Donations are processed by CanadaHelps, and as such, receipts are issues by CanadaHelps using their charitable number.

Copyright 2025 by St. Davids-Queenston United Church