The United Church Women (UCW) meet at the church on the second Wednesday of every month from September to June. UCW annually participate in “World Day of Prayer, held in a different church in Niagara each year.
In December, the UCW has a pot-luck to which the congregation is invited.
In April, the UCW graciously hosts a delicious luncheon for members of our congregation who are 80 years or older and also after the annual congregational meeting in February.
The UCW is involved in a number of fund raising activities for the church. From September to April, meat pies are made and sold on the last Friday of the month.
In November, the UCW hosts the Annual Bazaar where visitors can purchase baked goods, preserves, crafts and a large number of attic treasures and enjoy a soup and sandwich lunch.
Annually, the UCW donates funds to the church to cover the cost of insurance and for various projects at the church.
The current UCW president is Alice Page.
St. Davids-Queenston United Church UCW Charter Members (1962)
Cathie Stevens
Verda Smith
Ginny Slingerland
Betty McIlroy
Marion Niven
Evelyn Stewart
Alice Page
Gloria Sorley
Joan Dunn