Many organizations work for a better world by addressing one cause or another. The United Church’s Mission and Service Fund, on the other hand, is the unique way we as United Church witness to God's love, whether it be with overseas partners, in Canadian outreach, in hospital or university chaplaincies, in supporting small congregations, or in assisting intern ministers. It is not really possible to compare the M&S Fund to any charity-it is much bigger, more encompassing than any of these. It is the church.
The M&S Fund represents our collective way to be God's presence in the world—to be the church, to love and serve, to seek justice, to live with respect in creation. It gives us a collective voice in advocating change, justice, and peace, whether through the Canadian government or in working with our ecumenical partners. The M&S Fund ensures that we are participating together in all of this work and more.

It has been said that "for Christians giving isn't an option," and for United Church members, M&S shouldn't be. We all make decisions about which charities we want to support. For United Church members, the M&S Fund should not be part of that decision. M&S is not a charity; M&S is who we are and what we do. It's the United Church faith in action.
St. Davids-Queenston United Church contributes annually to the Mission and Service Fund through a portion of our envelope givings. Annually, the congregation commits to an amount that is forwarded to the United Church of Canada to be used for national and international programs. Periodically, additional donations are made to the Mission and Service Fund for immediate assistance to emerging national and international disasters. During the year, Minutes for Mission are presented as part of our worship service to inform the congregation of the various programs that are supported through the United Church’s Mission and Service Fund.