Tuesday, January 14, 2025
We are a congregation of the United Church of Canada. The United Church is the largest Protestant denomination in Canada. The Bible is central to The United Church of Canada. As a source of wisdom, personal prayer, and devotion, we believe the Bible can bring us closer to God. In the United Church, we celebrate two sacraments: baptism, the ritual that formally recognizes we belong to the Christian community, and communion, a symbolic meal initiated by Jesus. The United Church offers baptism to all ages. The United Church invites all who seek to love Jesus to share in the sacrament of communion. The United Church of Canada prides itself on welcoming everyone the way Jesus did, regardless of age, race, class, gender, orientation, or physical ability. Children are full and welcome participants at the heart of each congregation. We see people as unique, loved creations of God and welcome all people to the full life of Christian community, including marriage. We believe the Spirit of God is at work in many different faith communities. Caring for one another was central to Jesus' teachings: Feed the hungry, satisfy the thirsty, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, care for the sick, visit those in prison. We believe we strengthen one another to work, through God's grace, for a better world. To this end, we cooperate with other churches, faith traditions, and people of goodwill to eliminate poverty and protect those who are most vulnerable.
To learn more about The United Church of Canada and our beliefs: Click Here
Link to A New Creed